
  • Chamomile Code - Privacy Policy (English)
    Chamomile Info 2023. 5. 29. 17:01



    The privacy policy below applies to all products serviced by Chamomile Code.



    1. Purpose of processing personal information


    1 The Chamomile Code (hereinafter referred to as the 'Chamomile Code') processes personal information for the following purposes and does not use it for any purpose other than the following purposes.


    - Identification of the person based on the provision of service to the customer. Certification, maintaining membership. Management, payment of amounts due to the supply of goods or services, supply of goods or services. Shipping, statistics and analytics, advertising or marketing, fraud prevention, security, compliance, and more




    2. Processing and retention period of personal information


    1 Chamomile Code retains personal information that has been agreed upon when collecting personal information from the user (hereinafter referred to as the 'information subject'). Retention of personal information according to the period of use or laws and regulations. Processing personal information within the period of use. I keep it


    2 The specific period of processing and retention of personal information is as follows.


    - Customer subscription and management: Until the service use contract or membership is terminated, but bonds. In case of residual debt relationship, until the settlement of the case

    - Contracts in e-commerce. Record of supply of withdrawal of subscription, payment, goods, etc.: 5 years

    - Logs and statistical data that cannot identify the information subject: Until the end of the business and service or until the third party's data holding policy deadline




    3. Matters related to the provision of personal information to third parties


    1 Chamomile Code provides personal information to third parties as follows.


    - Recipient of Personal Information : Google (Google LLC - http://www.google.com)

    - Purpose of use of the recipient's personal information:

    • For analysis and statistics of lifecycle and occurrence events associated with app usage (Google Analytics)
    • For advertising or marketing (Google AdMob)

    - Retention of the person being provided. Period of use: From the time of app installation, it is based on the period set by the policy of each product's third party.

    - Personal information processing policy for each product of the recipient:

    - Data that may be collected from the product and shared with third parties or other entities :

    • Approximate Location: Analytics, Advertising or Marketing, Fraud Prevention, Security, Compliance
    • App interactions : analytics, advertising or marketing, fraud prevention, security, compliance
    • Abnormal Termination Logs : Analytics, Advertising or Marketing, Fraud Prevention, Security, Compliance
    • Diagnosis : analytics, advertising or marketing, fraud prevention, security, compliance
    • Other app performance data: analytics, advertising or marketing, fraud prevention, security, compliance
    • Device or other ID: analytics, advertising or marketing, fraud prevention, security, compliance

    - Whether the recipient encrypts data during transmission : The data is transmitted over a secure connection.


    4. Consignment of personal information processing


    1 Chamomile Code entrusts the processing of personal information as follows for the smooth processing of personal information.


    - Consignee (consignee) : None

    - Contents of the task entrusted: None

    - Consignment period: None


    2 When signing a consignment contract, the chamomile code is prohibited from processing personal information other than for the purpose of performing consignment work in accordance with Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act, technical. Administrative safeguards, restrictions on re-consignment, and management of trustees. We specify matters related to liability such as supervision and compensation for damages in documents such as contracts, and supervise whether the trustee handles personal information safely.


    3 If the contents of the consignment work or the trustee changes, we will disclose it through this personal information processing policy without delay.




    5. Rights and obligations of information subject and legal representative and how to exercise them


    Users can exercise the following rights as the subject of personal information.


    1 The information subject may exercise the following privacy rights at any time with respect to the chamomile code.


    1. Request for access to personal information

    2. Request for correction if there are errors, etc.

    3. request for deletion

    4. Request for suspension of processing




    6. Creating items of personal information to be processed


    1 Chamomile Code handles the following personal information items.


    - Digital table clock: No personal information collected separately other than the third party collection and shared data in Paragraph 3-1 above.

    - Pretty Table Clock Cute Clock : No personal information collected separately other than the third party collection and shared data in Paragraph 3-1 above.

    - Pretty Table Clock Cute Clock Pro : No personal information collected separately other than the third party collection and shared data in paragraph 3-1 above.

    - Chamomile Code Website : None




    7. Destrument of personal information


    In principle, Chamomile Code destroys the personal information without delay if the purpose of processing personal information is achieved.

    The procedure, deadline, and method of destruction are as follows:


    -The process of scartting

    The information entered by the user will be stored for a certain period of time or destroyed immediately in accordance with the internal policy and other relevant laws after the purpose is achieved. At this time, personal information will not be used for any other purpose unless it is by law.



    If the retention period of personal information has elapsed, the user's personal information will be destroyed within 5 days from the end of the retention period, and if the personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the achievement of the purpose of processing of personal information, the abolition of the service, and the termination of the business, the personal information will be destroyed within 5 days from the date on which the processing of the personal information is deemed unnecessary.




    8. Matters related to the installation, operation and rejection of the automatic personal information collection device


    1 Chamomile Code does not use 'cookies' that store and retrieve the information used by the information subject from time to time, and does not provide customized advertisements for each information subject through the use history on the device or the collection of browser cookies.


    2 The data provided by the information subject to a third party (Google) is subject to the settings of the information subject's device and Google account, regardless of the chamomile code. (e.g.: Settings>Google>Google Account Management>Data and Privacy>Record Settings>Set Web and App Activity Usage Settings, etc.)




    9. Personal information protection officer


    1 Chamomile Code is responsible for the processing of personal information, and the person in charge of personal information protection is designated as follows for the handling of complaints and damage relief of the information subject related to the processing of personal information.

    ▶ Personal Information Protection Officer
    Chamomile Code (Email: chamomilecode@gmail.com)

    2 The information subject can contact the person in charge of personal information protection for all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaints, damage relief, etc. that occurred while using the service of Chamomile Code.

    Chamomile Code will respond to and process inquiries from the information subject without delay.




    10. Change of personal information processing policy


    1 This privacy policy is the effective date of the last update date, and the effective date can be found at the bottom right of this page.




    11. Measures to ensure the safety of personal information


    In accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, Chamomile Code takes the following technical/administration and physical measures necessary to ensure safety.


    1 We do not separately collect data or sensitive personal information that can identify the information subject within the product.

    2 Data provided to third parties who are not identifiable with the data subject of the information in paragraphs 3-1 above will be transmitted over a secure connection.







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    Last updated on 08.09.2022






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